Food production is responsible for a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to global warming, according to a University of Oxford study.
However, the researchers found that the environmental impact of different foods varies hugely.
Their findings showed that meat and other animal products are responsible for more than half of food-related greenhouse gas emissions, despite providing only a fifth of the calories we eat and drink. Of all the products analysed in the study, beef and lamb were found to have by far the most damaging effect on the environment.
Avoiding meat and dairy products is one of the biggest ways to reduce your environmental impact, according to recent scientific studies. But what is the difference between beef and chicken? Does a bowl of rice produce more climate warming greenhouse gases than a plate of chips? Is wine more environmentally friendly than beer?
To find out the climate impact of what you eat and drink, choose from one of the 34 items in our calculator and pick how often you have it.
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