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WHO: Making diets environmentally friendly: Nordic countries lead the way

People need to know how to eat healthily, but also how to make their diets more climate-friendly. For the first time ever, this important idea will be reflected in the new Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NNR) for 2022.

The NNR guidelines aim to improve diets in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, and to inspire countries beyond the Nordic region to consider sustainability aspects as part of their dietary guidelines.

Protecting our health and the environment

Like elsewhere in the WHO European Region, current dietary patterns in the Nordic countries do not meet WHO recommendations on healthy eating, nor are they on track to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 on sustainable consumption and production. Many different factors can limit people’s choice of diet, and the current policy environment does not facilitate healthy and sustainable eating.

To change this trend, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden decided to update the NNR. The NNR are developed by nutrition and food systems experts in these countries, and build upon the latest scientific data while taking WHO recommendations into account.

To continue reading, visit the World Health Organization website.


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